Intercession for this week
Intercession is needed this week for none other than ourselves, Veritas Triumphant Church. Remember that whenever two or more are gathered in His name, nothing is impossible. Jesus said that the harvest is great, but the laborers are few. Be one of the truly blessed who drops the shackles of organized church and lives the gospel 24/7 Then we will truly see the things that are “not seen”,(except through faith). Then we will witness a harvest like we’ve never seen before!
As this week ends, I’m happy to report that interest is growing through facebook. Those who want to be a part of the true and raptured church are starting to ask questions. Many are realizing that this is the real deal! The church of Philadelphia is growing with its “little strength”. The church of Laodicea is weakening even though it boasts of its riches. Join with the victors and see miracles occur!
Please pray this week for one of our members, Tami Little She has been recovering from an accident where she broke her leg, and needs our prayers to find a place to live with a walk-in bath at a price she can afford
For the end of March, we are planning visitations to shut ins and others cut off from people due to the corona virus Unwanted food items are welcome to bring directly to those in isolation, as well as shopping directly for them in the grocery stores.